Fundraising and Cultural Activities Include: Fashion Shows, Lunches and Banquets, Annual Holiday Celebrations, Black History Month Program, Theatre Presentations, WIRF(Women International Religious Fellowships), Bazaar/ Vendor Sales, Out of Area Trips, Health Fairs, International Women’s Month, Panel Discussions, Book Signings, Museums Tours, Teaming with organizations, Tutoring, and Lectures.
Project AAWA
Project AAWA is an initiative formed to trace our evolution as an organization through documents, records, stories, personal accounts, history, photographs, images and much more that show the people and events that shaped AAWA through the years. For this initiative to be successful, we have a duty to lean in and engage the participation from as many members, relatives, friends and other sources as possible. This committee is established and tasked to spearhead the initiative which will consist of AAWA members, family, friends and professionals
Our aspiration with optimism is to have a publication produced which represents the amazing work of our founders and members of AAWA and their ongoing efforts to uphold the vision and mission of the organization. All members are strongly encouraged to participate. If you are interested in sharing of any information, or joining the committee please reach out to President Jackie Kakembo at or fill out our contact form.
Completed Projects
Ark Foundation for girls’ education in Central Kenya
Rev. John Teye Memorial Institute – Boarding School
- Chicken farming for women
- The ABC Nursery School in Bungoma
Milala Primary School
Sierra Leone Children’s Home Association – — Freetown Cheshire Homes for the Handicapped – – donated $2500 and years of clothing and school supplies for children and teachers
Library support and training of librarians
- Hospital supplies and medical kits for children under 5.
- Blind Women of Tanzania – Donated funds for clothing and enriching the lives of the women by supplying training for independence; teaching on-site class
- AHEAD, Inc., support of rural family clinics
Matthew Rusike Children’s Home
- Language Laboratory at Africare House Headquarters (Washington, D.C.)
- Emergency student funds to African American Institute
- Undergraduate scholarships to students
- Member, Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland
- Schools and Children’s Homes in Africa and USA
- Pitts Shelter for Homeless Families — books
- Rise Up, Inc. to empower high school girls
- AIRF – donation information – contribution to children’s books, clothing school supplies
- Member, African Art Museum of Maryland
Member Accomplishments

Haoua Diatta, a lifetime member and former President of AAWA has written a book titled: Shadow of Africa Life of an African Ambassador’s Wife (ISBN 0-9710424-0-3), in clear and concise terms this year 2000 book lays out the experiences and the assimilation of an ambassador’s wife as many residences and high level social engagements vie for her time and require her attention and pleasant demeanor.
Danielli Mbangdadji, In completing her Master’s Degree in film from American University produced this timely short documentary on forced marriages entitled “The Unheard Voice”. You will notice AAWA members as actresses.
We hope to attract funding to develop this film into a full length documentary to share among nations and elevate the importance of the issue to the lives of women.

AAWA Sharon Lee Minor, PhD on the right.
Exhibits highlights extraordinary nature of ”Ordinary Women”
The exhibit was on display Jan. 10 to Feb. 21, 2014.

Here it is, her catalog of original jewelry, artwork, and her latest “baby, the book A TRIBE DESPISED. I hope you enjoy interacting with these pages. Just click on specific items, and they will enlarge. You can also PAUSE pages….especially those with information and instructions for ordering.

Nwanganga Shields, Ph.D, a lifetime member of AAWA, has just published her first novel titled: EJITURU. The novel tells the story of an arranged marriage between the title character Ejituru and a man, Ignatius, who has already immigrated to the United States from Nigeria. It is set both in Nigeria and the US. The book is currently available from Amazon, Barnes&Noble and other independent book stores.
More books by Nwaganga Here
Elvira Williams, Executive Director at AHEAD, Inc (Adventures in Health, Education & Agricultural Development, Inc. (Learn More)
AHEAD has traveled far since that date in 1974, when Irving and Elvira Williams, a young pediatrician and his wife, and educator, decided to take their family of four young children and move to Tanzania, East Africa, to live and work. These two decided, soon after this experience, to begin a journey on a path less traveled. This journey, initially forged under the guise of altruism and the desire to make a difference in peoples’ lives, turned into a life long endeavor based on a simple mantra – saving lives today, building sustainable communities for tomorrow. Dr. and Mrs. Williams could not have imagined where the path they charted then, would lead, nor the countless lives they would influence and change because of it.
Now we have the vision to see the change effected by the work and efforts of this organization. Founded in 1981, through the implementation of grass-root organizing, people-to-people interaction, and communication, this organization has ventured on a journey that would change the face of health care delivery~~~ by working with communities suffering from extreme poverty in developing countries, to improve their quality of life. In so doing, AHEAD has improved the lives and effected positive change with over a million of people, health care providers, and volunteers throughout the world.

Gertrude Kazunga Zulu, MBA, an avid AAWA member and extensive traveler has written a novel entitled The Trail Blazer (ISBN 978 9982-22-113-9). This story is about Lita who as a young girl who follows the traditions of the village as practiced by her ancestors. Each step she takes towards her educational goals, moves her away from some of the constricting practices relating to girls and women. She is a Trail Blazer.